Influencing Download Adult game Influencing New Version
Adult Porn game Influencing Info: In this Adult game Developer of the game says – Influencing is about the power of affect people around you. Your influence is based on friendship, love, money, fame, status and sometimes fear. Use all your influence power to get what you want.
This is a dating sim game 18+ where you start your character from scratch. Choose your appearance and make some choices that will guide your preferences along the way.
Every single char have prefferences, tastes and etc. You can aways sugest what you want and see what happens. Some are stubborn and others easy to be convinced.
Download Adult Porn game Influencing
Developer: Golden Crow
Censored: No
Version: v0.1.17.6
Language: English
For Windows & Mac – Extract and run.
v0.1.16.2 Brings-
- Added Park
- Added Police Station Interior
- Added Hospital Interior
- Added Industry Interior
- Added Offices Interior
- Added Police in Police Station
- Added Doctors in Hospital
- Added Pregnancy Base System (No births yet!)
- Added new Item: Condom
- Added Menstrual Cycle
- Added “Delete Save” Buttons
- Added Name to Save files (Can be disabled)
- Added Genealogy Viewer in Needs Tab
- Re-Added Rollback (Buggest Bug bug buggy!)
- Added Base colors pick for clothes
- Added Save personalized colors for clothes
- Added Advanced Definitions: Relationship Points Composition for chars (decide if is golddiger, etc…)
- Added warning in char creator if player didn’t set family relationships
- Added Truth or Lie alert (Experimental)
- Added Aggressive anal sex to Male x Female
- Added Kissing Animation
- Added Boobs grab animation
- Added Interaction that will stop you from doing certain stuff in someone’s house if you’re not friend enough (Like sleeping on bed or taking a shower)
- Added Interaction to call cops when catching people doing public indecency
- Added Homeless – Watch out. They see a lot of stuff.
- Added Configuration in City Config to make all chars straight
- Added Crow Notes (Not part of the game. It’s just small notes and ideas about the game development, future plans, and ideas.)
- Re-done ‘ask about relationship’ interaction to allow lies and reveal more relationships
- Added 6 female hairs
- Added 4 male hairs
- Added glasses
- Base Clothes Reworked
- Professor’s Uniform Reworked
- Students’ Uniforms Reworked
- In City Configurations > Fetishes Tab there is a notice in fetishes that might change sexual preferences of NPCs
- Now MC can start other Jobs using phone (Job Routine not implemented yet)
- Added Eye Distance
- Added Nose Position and Width
- Added Mouth Position and Width
- Fixed Relationships adding at the start of the game to make sense with gender preferences
- Fixed Head sizes in SideView position
- Fixed Double Answer When Flirting
- Fixed Bug that doesn’t save hair models configurations in saved configs
- Fixed NPCs will start sex between them taking into account the gender preference
- Fixed the non-stop NPC’s cum when in voyeur mode during sex
Download Adult game Influencing New version Adult game Download
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- Swipe down to hide the ui
- Swipe Up to Unhide The Ui
- Swipe left to roll back
- Swipe right to start skipping of text
- swipe 2x(2Fingers) left&right to open the game menu
- swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
- longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Walk-Through Features:
For PC: Unzip the MOD and put the folder named “game” from the mod in your “xxxxxxx-0.1-pc” folder.
For MAC: Unzip the mod -> Right-click your “XXXXXX” app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents” then “Resources” folders -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named “game” from the mod to the “autorun” folder -> Click merge.
Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.
For Gallery unlocker Mod:
Extract and Copy to game folder->renpy folder
For Android:
Unzip the mod and paste it into the –
Filemanager/Android/data/fetish.locator(this can also be com.fetish.locator)/files
Inside file, create the folder (game) if there’s no such folder in files.
In new android software version many mobile phones doesn’t shows the data of the game. Download any 3rd party file manager file X-Plore, from Play-store and u’ll be able to access the data folder
- This mod adds an in-game walkthrough for every character and event in the game. The walkthrough menu contains dynamic guides that let you track your progress for each character and see the requirements needed to trigger their scenes and advance their story.(Some MOD may not have all this)
- A cheat menu has also been added which has cheats that allow you to disable mini-games, such as increase money, (if there’s a money feature in game like money + 999999 ) unlock all secret cards, and unlock all of the scenes in the scene gallery (Some MOD may not have all this)
- I’ve also made a few other improvements to the game that can be changed in the mod settings menu, such as adding the option to skip the game startup splash screens. ((Some MOD may not have all this))
Installation: Let’s take example of game fetish locator
For Windows:
Unzip the mod and put the folder named “game” from the mod into your “Fetish-locator-2.0.21-pc” folder.
For Mac:
Unzip the mod -> Right click your Fetish-locator app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Put the files inside the folder named “game” from the mod into your “Contents/Resources/autorun/game” folder.
For Android:
Unzip the mod and paste it into the –
Filemanager/Android/data/fetish.locator(this can also be com.fetish.locator)/files
Inside file, create the folder (game) if there’s no such folder in files.
In new android software version many mobile phones doesn’t shows the data of the game. Download any 3rd party file manager file X-Plore, from Play-store and u’ll be able to access the data folder
To open the mod menu, click the help icon near the top left of the screen when you’re in-game
Author's Rating
- Story Line - 75%75%
- Graphics - 78%78%
- Renders - 75%75%
- Engagement - 76%76%
This review is based on author’s perspective and actual experience may differ on the individual own preferences.