Her Little Secret Download Adult game Her Little Secret New Version
- Overview
- Info
- Changelog
Adult game Her Little Secret Info: In this Adult game Developer of the game says – You’re a graphics designer with a stable job and a stable life at the age of 25.
You have little to no experience when it comes to dealing with girls.
Lately you’ve been experiencing loneliness firsthand when all of the sudden, out of nowhere,
you feel like you’ve just became a main character of a game.
You feel as if your life is going to become eventful and livelier than ever.
Of those events, one takes a form of a human girl. A new intern who will be joining to work under you.
You unknowingly fall for her as you spend time with her.
You build up the courage to get to know her better but the more you do, the more you realize she’s no ordinary girl.
Would she be willing to open up to you about her little secret?
Download Adult game Her Little Secret
Developer: Overflown
Censored: No
Version: v0.2.81
Language: English
For Windows & Mac – Extract and run.
v0.2.81 Brings-
-Mifa has been added to SHU! the minigame on the laptop
-2nd mouth sex animation added to sleep sex
-Freeroam bedroom animation added (missionary)
-Jigsaw puzzles and SHU!s are no longer fully unlocked on the first start up. (Some of them will require you to progress further)
-Day 1 Night Sola’s hairstyle has been changed and rerendered
-Second half of Sola’s 4th date scenes have animations reworked
Bug fixes:
-Freeroam animations does not transition into post-ejaculation animation
-Group reward gallery throwing error
-Sola missing on day 1 night during her shower at the bathroom
-Screen reverting back to laundry screen after you leave the laundry screen
Download Adult game Her Little Secret New version Adult game Download
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Gallery MOD
Walk-Through Features:
For PC: Unzip the MOD and put the folder named “game” from the mod in your “xxxxxxx-0.1-pc” folder.
For MAC: Unzip the mod -> Right-click your “XXXXXX” app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents” then “Resources” folders -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named “game” from the mod to the “autorun” folder -> Click merge.
Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.
For Gallery unlocker Mod:
Extract and Copy to game folder->renpy folder
For Android:
Unzip the mod and paste it into the –
Filemanager/Android/data/fetish.locator(this can also be com.fetish.locator)/files
Inside file, create the folder (game) if there’s no such folder in files.
In new android software version many mobile phones doesn’t shows the data of the game. Download any 3rd party file manager file X-Plore, from Play-store and u’ll be able to access the data folder
- This mod adds an in-game walkthrough for every character and event in the game. The walkthrough menu contains dynamic guides that let you track your progress for each character and see the requirements needed to trigger their scenes and advance their story.(Some MOD may not have all this)
- A cheat menu has also been added which has cheats that allow you to disable mini-games, such as increase money, (if there’s a money feature in game like money + 999999 ) unlock all secret cards, and unlock all of the scenes in the scene gallery (Some MOD may not have all this)
- I’ve also made a few other improvements to the game that can be changed in the mod settings menu, such as adding the option to skip the game startup splash screens. ((Some MOD may not have all this))
Installation: Let’s take example of game fetish locator
For Windows:
Unzip the mod and put the folder named “game” from the mod into your “Fetish-locator-2.0.21-pc” folder.
For Mac:
Unzip the mod -> Right click your Fetish-locator app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Put the files inside the folder named “game” from the mod into your “Contents/Resources/autorun/game” folder.
For Android:
Unzip the mod and paste it into the –
Filemanager/Android/data/fetish.locator(this can also be com.fetish.locator)/files
Inside file, create the folder (game) if there’s no such folder in files.
In new android software version many mobile phones doesn’t shows the data of the game. Download any 3rd party file manager file X-Plore, from Play-store and u’ll be able to access the data folder
To open the mod menu, click the help icon near the top left of the screen when you’re in-game
Author's Rating
- Story Line - 75%75%
- Graphics - 74%74%
- Renders - 75%75%
- Engagement - 69%69%
This review is based on author’s perspective and actual experience may differ on the individual own preferences.