New Coral City – New v0.4 (Season 2) [HoneyGames]

New Coral City Download Adult game New Coral City New Version

Adele : Elita Magazine boss & your boss, married to Gary, Belen’s best friend & good friend of Riley – maybe possible to win her over later if she leaves Gary
Akissa : established model you meet during San Matthew Fashion Week and good friend of Luana and male model Elia – like’s partying & drugs
Andrea : from Season 1: The Follower, Yoshi’s girlfriend – maybe possible to win her over if you can oust Yoshi
Angela : award winning porn actress
Ashley : gym owner, Tatianna’s best friend, Jeff’s ex – potential girlfriend, doesn’t like cheaters, maybe open to swinging with the right choices
Astrid : NCC lifeguard – who you can recruit as a model if you have a good relationship with Mark
Belen : top model, Adele’s best friend – just happy with sex from 1.2
Catherine : Leonard’s Mom and Gary’s former lover – just happy with sex and can be used to split Adele (and Lara) from Gary
Cecile : Andrea’s friend and wannabe model you meet during San Matthew Fashion Week, wants revenge against Yoshi
Dana : ex-FBI Agent set up by Yoshi
Eiffel : Andrea’s friend (may have been a “Girl of the Week” if you failed to pick one earlier in the game)
Elsa : Leonard’s wife – may or may not be cheating, unlikely target currently
Gemma: Irene’s Psychologist’s secretary
Guenda : from Season 1: The Follower – re-appears in 1.2, had an affair with her and possible porn actress
Hanna : ex model & porn actress – appears at the end of 1.0, becomes a porn actress whether you sign her or Mark does (if not on porn career)
Harley : one of Michelle’s friends – rich kid part of the drug scene, happy with sex (if you have some cocaine initially)
Irene : Julian’s (brother) wife, from Season 1: The Follower – insatiable appetite for BJs, possible target
Jennifer : top model, Boris’s ex (supposedly) – will cause Rebecca to split with Boris sometime after 1.0
Johanna (McGraw) : Shyla/Mikeala mother
Katana : barmaid at the Skyebar who Yoshi has a hold over, wants revenge
Keesha : gossip blogger – feed her good gossip and you may get a BJ and more later
Kirsten : ex girlfriend, slave to Maud – to win her back you either have to dominate her or share with Maud
Krisztina : porn studio & sex shop owner
Lara : Gary’s girlfriend, potential model – can be used to split Adele & Gary, possible porn or romance
Luana : top model, good friend of Riley – just happy with sex & can be very useful
Madelyne : Andrea’s Mom, from Season 1: The Follower – sex mad
MaryJane : fashion shop worker – open for sex with correct choices
Martina : aspiring and demanding model – can be a romantic girlfriend (if you’re willing to spend the money) or a sex slave
Maud : Kisrten’s master & lesbian
Meadow : wannabe actor & former model, from Season 1: The Follower – uses sex to get what she wants, currently bonking Bernie the movie producer
Melissa : bartender & potential model – likes cocaine and is David’s most frequent partner, bad history with Michelle, target for sex and potential porn star
Melanie (Malone) : actress
Michelle : sex shop manager & former model – ex drug addict, happy with “open” relationship, tending towards romance with right choices (slow burn)
Mikaela : youngest daughter of the McGraw family (owners of Elita Magazine), Patricia’s partner – inexperienced and failure at business making bad decisions and trying to oust Adele
Nadya : rising model you meet during San Matthew Fashion Week – being managed/guided by Svetlana
Patricia : Mikaela’s partner – brought in from the San Matthew office of Elita Magazine by Adele and trying to oust her
Pinky : cam girl – potential porn star
Rain : cam girl, Lars girlfriend – possible porn or romance (?) if you can oust Lars
Rachel : Adelmann Studios PR – ex-colleague of Gary
Rebecca : Boris’ girlfriend, David’s ex, from Season 1: The Follower – eventually splits with Boris, possible just sex or relationship later
Regina : Bernie the movie producer’s wife – chat seems to suggest she’s open to sex (Bernie may offer the chance later)
Riley : HoneyGirls Agency owner & your boss, Lamar’s frustrated wife – maybe possible to win her over later as Lamar’s having problems (but may also be cheating)
Roberta : good friend of Vanessa’s and also likes Mark – you can win her over for more than just sex later
Shyla : Keesha’s friend and eldest daughter of the McGraw family (owners of Elita Magazine) – leaves all business dealing to husband Nick
Svetlana : established model you meet during San Matthew Fashion Week – managing Nadya, has a past with Mark
Tatianna : athlete and Ashley’s best friend – maybe open to both swinging and solo sex (eventually)
Valentina : friend of Harley & Melissa – partner of drug lord Slim, unknown
Vanessa : Richard’s wife, former model – maybe open to just sex as her distrust in Richard increases
Yanmei : top model – just happy with sex if you keep her interested, maybe wants a deeper relationship later
Yvette : wrestler – open to femdom or girlfriend paths, jealous
Zoe : Roadhouse Pub owner/barmaid – potential girlfriend, doesn’t like one-night stands

Characters added in 1.55: Johanna, Melanie
Character profiles updated: Rachel, Svetlana

Note: When offered this choice later in the game your end up with the following results:

Adele Plan: best reset stats for Adele, joint worst for Lara (still with Gary)
Catherine Plan (“I know what happened”): joint worst reset stats for Adele, second best for Lara (not with Gary)
Lara Plan: joint worst reset stats for Adele, best for Lara (with Gary)
Do Nothing: joint worst reset stats for Adele, joint worst for Lara (still with Gary)

If you’re pursuing the girls involved:

Adele: go with the Adele plan as it has the highest reset value for relationship and friend points. You may also want to try two saves – one where you have sex with Catherine, discuss Adele/Gary with her when offered later and tell Adele about it (biggest hit on Adele/Gary relatioship points) and another where you don’t
Catherine: go with the Catherine plan (she’s only interested in casual sex only)
Lara: go with the Lara plan (highest reset points for Lara & she splits with Gary anyway)

There are many ways of playing the game and it’s really a case of trial and error – I’ve restarted multiple paths over again! If you really want to know the impact of your choices use Notepad++ or something similar and dive down into the *.rpy file, looking for variables, searching multiple files with terms like “good +=” and “tatiannaconnor -=” for instance. Someone writing a walkthrough would likely have to do this anyway – and write a small book in the process. It depends if you want to see as much of the content as possible or just try different options.


Adele (Gary) – Catherine/Keesha/Lara/Mikaela/Patricia/Riley
Andrea (Joshi) – Madelyne/Katana
Elsa (Leonard) – Catherine/Michelle
Irene (Julian) – Michelle
Jennifer (Boris) – Belen/Luana/Rebecca/Roberta/Yanmei
Kirsten (Maud) – Luana or Yvette/Tatianna
Lara (Gary) – Adele/Catherine – potential model or porn career
MaryJane (Stephan – Irene/Luana/Madelyne/Martina
Maud (Kirsten) – Luana or Yvette/Tatianna
Melissa (David) – Harley/Michelle/Valentina
Rain (Lars) – Pinky/Rebecca
Rebecca (Boris) – Luana/Jennifer/Keesha/Michelle/Yanmei – need good relationship for Keesha
Regina (Bernie) – Adele/Catherine/Meadow/Riley
Riley (Lamar) – Adele/Catherine/Luana/Regina
Shyla (Nick) – Adele/Keesha/Mikaela/Patricia – will impact on Adele story-line
Tatianna (Connor) – Ashley/Michelle/Kirsten/Yanmei
Valentina (Slim) – Harley/Michelle/Melissa
Vanessa (Richard) – Luana/Roberta/Yanmei
Patricia (Mikaela) – Adele/Keesha/Shyla – will impact on Adele story-line
Mikaela (Patricia) – Adele/Keesha/Shyla – will impact on Adele story-line


Akissa – Luana/Belen
Angela – Pinky (Guenda/Hanna/Rain) – porn actress
Belen – Jennifer/Luana/Roberta/Vanessa/Yanmei
Cecile – Andrea/Dana/Katana – exploited by Yoshi
Dana – Andrea/Katana/Cecile – ex-FBI Agent set up by Yoshi
Eiffel – Andrea’s friend (may have been a “Girl of the Week” if you failed to pick one earlier in the game)
Guenda – potential porn career – re-introduced from “The Follower”
Hanna – potential porn career – re-introduced from “The Follower”
Harley – Melissa/Michelle/Valentina
Katana – Andrea/Dana/Cecile – exploited by Yoshi
Keesha – Adele/Kirsten/Maud/Meadow/Mikaela/Patricia/Rebecca/Regina/Riley/Yvette
Kim – Ashley
Krisztina – Michelle + porn girls
Nadya – Svetlana
Meadow – Keesha/Meadow/Rebecca/Regina – need good relationship for Keesha/Martina so help her
Pinky – Angel/Rain/Rebecca
Svetlana – Nadya

Potentional girlfriends

Ashley – Kim/Tatianna/Yvette/Zoe – jealous trait
Martina – Meadow – romance (demanding/high cost) or sex slave (dominate)
Yvette – Ashley/Zoe – jealous trait
Zoe – Ashley/Pinky/Rain/Yvette – no one-night stands

Open or exclusive

Michelle – Elsa/Harley/Melissa/Rebecca/Valentina – can be romanced
Roberta (Mark) – Belen/Jennifer/Luana/Vanessa/Yanmei – pay more attention, cheating stat added later
Yanmei (Terrence) – Belen/Jennifer/Luana/Rebecca/Roberta/Vanessa – pay more attention, cheating stat added later


Catherine – Adele/Elsa/Lara/Riley
Luana (Luke) – Belen/Jennifer/Rebecca/Riley/Roberta/Vanessa/Yanmei – need good relationship for HoneyGirls


Astrid – you can only use her as a model if you have a good relationship with Mark or via a porn careeer
Rachel – Adelmann Studios receptionist
Gemma – Irene’s Psychologist’s secretary
Johanna (McGraw) – Shyla/Mikaela mother
Melanie (Malone) – actress

Characters added in 1.5: Johanna, Melanie

In-game Image gallery

Download Adult game New Coral City New version Adult game Download

Download Links

Android Download – Season 1

Android Download – Season 2 v0.3

Mac Download – Season 2 (v0.3)

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  • swipe 2x(2Fingers) left&right to open the game menu
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  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot



Walk Through

Auhtor's Rating
  • 50%
    Story Line - 50%
  • 56%
    Graphics - 56%
  • 42%
    Renders - 42%
  • 70%
    Engagement - 70%


This review is based on author’s perspective and actual experience may differ on the individual own preferences.

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